Hunyuan County Quanyou Stone Processing Factory

Company Name: Hunyuan County Quanyou Stone Processing Factory
Contact: Mr. Wang
Tel: 13754914913

Company fixed line: 0352-8425006
Company fax: 0352-8425088
Company mailbox:
Company address: Industrial Park, Hunyuan County, Datong City, Shanxi Province


What misuses should be avoided for Shanxi black tombstones?

What misuses should be avoided for Shanxi black tombstones? There are always many problems in the process of use. So how can we use them well? It is a very important place, so we must keep it clean and reduce infection. Let me share with you about the wrong use of black stone tablets in our country, and see what causes them.

After a period of use of Shanxi black tombstones, water spots, white flowers and rust spots appear, and many people even think that these lesions are normal phenomena that cannot be avoided. With the advent of advanced protective materials and new installation techniques, these lesions can be prevented. method is gradually being promoted.

However, some old concepts are difficult to change, some old crafts are still in use, the use of new materials has not been fully mastered, and new technologies are not yet perfect, etc., resulting in various stone lesions still appearing. Shanxi black tombstone surface for cleaning and daily care.

At present, more than 90% of the stone cleaning and daily care work are completed by many cleaning teams. Most cleaning practitioners have been transferred from other cleaning industries in recent years, taking into account stone cleaning, maintenance is only a matter of recent years. They There is insufficient understanding of the characteristics of Shanxi black tombstones and the use of different stone materials, and the use of special cleaning and nursing materials for Shanxi black tombstones is often poorly grasped, and some even use cleaning materials for bathrooms or carpets.

Therefore, it will inevitably cause various problems, not only the old lesions are difficult to remove, but new lesions appear again, and even cause the loss of millions of yuan for a single project.

What misuses should be avoided in Shanxi black tombstones? This is something that we will ignore in our lives. This is very important to us. The above are the relevant issues that Shanxi black tombstone manufacturers want to tell you. I hope everyone can do it reasonably. , to ensure that our Shanxi black tombstones can be used more safely, fully ensure safety, and reduce the occurrence of dangerous situations.