Hunyuan County Quanyou Stone Processing Factory

Company Name: Hunyuan County Quanyou Stone Processing Factory
Contact: Mr. Wang
Tel: 13754914913

Company fixed line: 0352-8425006
Company fax: 0352-8425088
Company mailbox:
Company address: Industrial Park, Hunyuan County, Datong City, Shanxi Province


Why Shanxi Black Tombstone Becomes a Typical Architectural Representative in my country

In the 5,000-year-old civilization development of our country, craft civilization is a very important part. It has accumulated traces of years and deposited more artistic beauty. From the perspective of my country's craft civilization, stone carving is a splendid representative. The development shows more traditional beauty of our country. There are many stone carving works. The more typical representative is Shanxi Black Tombstone Square, which shows more and more the classic beauty of carving in the ups and downs of history. Then Shanxi Black Tombstone Square has all the What are the meanings? Why can it become a typical architectural representative of our country?

1. Inherit the art of Chinese architectural carving

Shanxi Black Tombstone Square is a typical artistic work in stone carving. The source is very early. The early works of Shanxi Black Tombstone Square have been presented in the Zhou Dynasty. It consists of two pillars and a beam, which is a relatively simple design. style.Shanxi black tombstoneIn the early stage, the requirements for carving are not high, and the practicability is strong. With the replacement of dynasties and the evolution of history, the image of Shanxi Black Tombstone Square has gradually evolved from a single-door tombstone square to a three-door tombstone square, a five-door archway, and even a tombstone square. It is a 7-door archway, and from the perspective of the change in the number of buildings, there are also 3rd and 5th floors, etc. The tombstone square varies greatly in the shape and carving according to different regions. The design style of the north and south There is a unique charm. The tombstone square can be in the flying style or the headless style. The selection of carved patterns is also more diverse, which better shows the charm of my country's traditional civilization, and is more auspicious and good day wishes.

2. Inheriting traditional Chinese civilization

As a part of my country's traditional civilization, the black tombstone workshop in Shanxi has a very high value. According to the test, the black tombstone was used for sacrifices in the early Zhou Dynasty, and later became used for sacrifices to Confucius. The role of the tombstone workshop is the first In the development of history, more and more classifications have emerged, and they have become landmark buildings that show personal achievements and praise virtues. They are also used to indicate place names. It can be seen that the cultural value of Tombstone Square itself is very high. Up to now, there are many Tombstone Squares. Other meanings are no longer there, but the symbolic and symbolic role is not diminished in the slightest, and it is widely used in temples, scenic spots and rural construction, so that it can become a display of the beauty of our country's civilization, and it can also become our frontier. The basis of historical records will be very helpful for the future display of the style of Tombstone Square.

As a part of Chinese civilization, the tombstone square has gradually displayed more wonderful appearances in the long years. It can inherit this traditional craftsmanship and will be of great assistance to the development of my country's own civilization. The style also allows us to find traces of the years and history in it, to find the beauty and splendor attributed to the Chinese civilization, and to witness the history of our country.