Hunyuan County Quanyou Stone Processing Factory

Company Name: Hunyuan County Quanyou Stone Processing Factory
Contact: Mr. Wang
Tel: 13754914913

Company fixed line: 0352-8425006
Company fax: 0352-8425088
Company mailbox:
Company address: Industrial Park, Hunyuan County, Datong City, Shanxi Province


Analyze the importance of Zhangqiu black stone maintenance

Zhangqiu Black Stone Factory reminds you that it is very important to maintain the stone, keep it dry and clean!

Zhangqiu black stone maintenance must first understand the stone, stone lesions should be known to the cause, do not seek medical treatment in a hurry. Stone cracking, floating, spit yellow, water spots, rust spots, white flowers, fog and other problems may be caused by Because of the excessive water absorption, it is better to prevent the use of natural stone in the bathroom. Because of the large amount of water vapor in the bathroom, the appearance of natural stone in such an environment will easily become dull, and a cloud-like circle will appear. White stains. The phenomenon of yellowing on the surface of the stone may be that waxing has blocked the capillary pores of the stone. The stone should be kept bright and clean, regular maintenance and cleaning, and a stone protective agent should be selected, or the company may be asked to polish it.

Nowadays, it is also found that waxing will cause some damage to the stone, because it is applied on the surface of the stone as an airtight cover and maintenance material. A long time inside the stone will cause lesions to the stone. There are also many owners who like to cover the marble floor with carpets or sundries, so that the moisture cannot be volatilized through the "capillary pores", and the stone will be damaged due to excessive moisture and increased water content. A "pathological" problem arises.

Usually colored oil, tea, coffee, cola, soy sauce, ink and other substances, if dripped onto the surface of the stone, it is easy to penetrate into the interior of the stone through the capillary pores of the stone, forming stains that are difficult to remove. Once there is dirt on the stone, it must be immediately Removal. When cleaning, do not use some cleaners with unknown pH. Use dry rags and mops to clean these stones.