Hunyuan County Quanyou Stone Processing Factory

Company Name: Hunyuan County Quanyou Stone Processing Factory
Contact: Mr. Wang
Tel: 13754914913

Company fixed line: 0352-8425006
Company fax: 0352-8425088
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Company address: Industrial Park, Hunyuan County, Datong City, Shanxi Province


The content of traditional tombstone lettering is exquisite

\u003Ci>1.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>1.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>风水状况,墓碑的左边称为龙边,是碑体重要的部位.在古代时分,这里要书写山向及山向线度,分金线.如"立癸山丁向兼子午2分用丙子分金."其目的,为告示后人,即或遇到自然灾祸的洪水冲刷,或战争毁坏,后人仍可依碑上的风水状况文字,找到原来风水方向,重新立碑.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>In terms of feng shui conditions, the left side of the tombstone is called the dragon edge, which is an important part of the monument body. In ancient times, the mountain direction and the line degree of the mountain direction were written here, and the gold line was divided. Zifenjin." Its purpose is to inform future generations that even if they encounter natural disasters, floods, or wars, future generations can still find the original feng shui direction according to the feng shui status text on the monument and re-build the monument.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>2.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>2.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>籍贯,在移民较多的公墓里,特别客死他乡的人,在墓碑的左,右角显眼的部位,都要刻上原籍的省,市,县名,也有的只刻地域和村名.这是对故土的眷恋,也为后人及亲友扫祭时,寻觅墓位提供了便当.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>Place of origin, in cemeteries with many immigrants, especially those who died in foreign countries, the name of the province, city, and county of origin should be engraved on the conspicuous parts of the left and right corners of the tombstone, and some only engraved with the name of the region and the village. The nostalgia for the homeland also provides a convenience for future generations and relatives and friends to find the tomb when they sweep sacrifices.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>3.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>3.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>姓名,写在墓碑中心部位.这里称"中榜".在书写墓主名字时,其字数几,与风水凶兆相关联.为尊崇晚辈,过去加了许多尊崇的词,如父亲称考,显考,母亲称妣,显妣,男子加公,府君,女子加氏,孺人.而且字数几依"生,老,病,死,苦"5个字循环应用.其中以落在6,7,十一,十2,十6,十7的"生","老"2字上为吉利.落在"病"字上中等,落在"死","苦"2字上,则不吉利.所以拟中榜之字时,尽力用凶兆格式的数字.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>The name is written in the center of the tombstone. It is called "Zhongbang" here. When writing the name of the tomb owner, the number of words is related to the bad omens of feng shui. In order to honor the younger generation, many respected words were added in the past, such as the father's name test, the display In the test, the mother is called concubine, the concubine, the man is Jiagong, the ruler of the government, the woman is Jiashi, and the Ruren. And the number of words is based on the 5 words of "birth, old age, sickness, death, and suffering". Among them, 6,7 , 11, 10 2, 10 6, 10 7 are auspicious on the two characters of "sheng" and "old". If it falls on the word "sickness", it is medium, and if it falls on the two characters of "death" and "suffering", it is not good. Auspiciousness. Therefore, when planning the zigzag list, try to use numbers in the format of bad omen.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>4.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>4.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>生卒年月日,写在中榜2旁,仍依男左女右,年月日能写齐全较好.由于日久年深,户口注销,传来传去,隔几代要找到祖先生卒年月日,则非常艰难.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>The date of birth and death is written next to the middle list 2. It is still based on male left and female right. It is better if the date can be written completely. Due to the passage of time, the household registration has been cancelled, and it has been passed on from generation to generation. The date of death is very difficult.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>5.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>5.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>立碑人,包括子女,亲友,团体,都应写在碑的虎边,即右边.其子女应全部写上,已故子女可在名字周边加框.仍是依辈份长幼,自左至右排列.也有不愿流露姓名者,可写子女敬立或叩立,百拜敬立.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>The person who erected the monument, including children, relatives, friends, and groups, should be written on the tiger side of the monument, that is, on the right side. All their children should be written, and deceased children can be framed around their names. It is still based on seniority, from the left Arranged to the right. There are also those who do not wish to reveal their names. They can write that their children are standing or standing, and they are standing for a hundred worship.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>6.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>6.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>造墓或重建墓时间,刻写在碑的虎边.中国记载时间的文字很多,有公元,农历,时节写冬至,清明者居多.年代日期亦多用干支.天干中的甲,乙,丙,丁,戊,己,庚,辛,壬,癸,与地支中的子,丑,寅,卯,辰,巳,午,未,申,酉,戍,亥分离起来,用以表示历法上的日子或月份.如甲子,乙丑.还有些文人将一年4季的春,夏,秋,冬,用十2个月均分,每个月另有称号.如一月称孟春,2月称仲春,3月称季春;4月称孟夏,5月称仲夏,6月称季夏;7月称孟秋,8月称仲秋,9月称季秋;十月称孟冬,十一月称仲冬,十2月称季冬.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>The time when the tomb was built or rebuilt is inscribed on the side of the tiger. There are many characters in China to record the time, including AD, lunar calendar, winter solstice, and Qingming. Most of the dates are stems and branches. , Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, and Gui are separated from Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Shu, and Hai, which are in the Earthly Branches, and are used to represent the days on the calendar. Or months. Such as Jiazi and Yichou. Some literati divide the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter into twelve months, and each month has another title. For example, January is called Mengchun, and February is called Zhongchun. , March is called Jichun; April is called Mengxia, May is called Midsummer, June is called Jixia; July is called Mengqiu, August is called Mid-Autumn, and September is called Jiqiu; October is called Mengdong, November is called Midwinter, and December is called called winter season.\u003C\/b>