Hunyuan County Quanyou Stone Processing Factory

Company Name: Hunyuan County Quanyou Stone Processing Factory
Contact: Mr. Wang
Tel: 13754914913

Company fixed line: 0352-8425006
Company fax: 0352-8425088
Company mailbox:
Company address: Industrial Park, Hunyuan County, Datong City, Shanxi Province


How to choose the tombstone material

Nowadays, there are more and more tombstone materials, and the quality of tombstones varies. Today we will talk about how to choose a good tombstone material.

The current tombstone stones are mainly marble and granite, which are usually divided into two categories: artificial and natural. Natural marble is a metamorphic rock formed by the original rock in the crust through the action of high temperature and high pressure in the crust. Because marble generally contains Impurities are easy to be weathered and corroded, and the surface quickly loses luster. Therefore, a few, such as white marble, mugwort and other pure, relatively stable and durable types with less impurities can be used outdoors, other types are not suitable for outdoor use, generally only used For interior decoration, it is used for interior walls or finishes in public buildings such as hotels, libraries, airports, and stations.

Natural granite is igneous rock, also known as acid crystalline plutonic rock. It is a widely distributed rock in igneous rock and belongs to hard stone. The quality of granite depends on mineral composition and structure. Granite of good quality is not easy to weathering and metamorphosis. , The appearance color can last for more than 100 years, so it is mostly used for wall foundations and exterior wall finishes. Because granite has high hardness and wear resistance, it is also often used in building decoration projects.

Compared with marble, granite is harder and acid-resistant in texture for tombstones. For marble, due to its simple mineral composition, easy processing, most of which are fine in texture, better mirror effect, and brighter in appearance, white marble is not the best choice. Natural stone that is easily corroded.

At present, it is generally believed that imported materials are better than domestic ones. Some consumers think that the high price is a good stone when choosing stone materials. It is true that stone types such as Brazilian blue, Norwegian red, Indian red, and Spanish beige have common decorative properties. The large flower green, Baoxing white, China black and other types of stone also have strong decorative properties, and even some types are better than imported stone.

At present, comparing the types and prices of domestic and foreign stone materials in the market, it can be seen that the types of imported stone materials are almost 3-5 times the price of domestic similar types. Therefore, we can completely choose domestic stone materials with good quality and low price. Or we can also Choose the type of stone according to the part used, not necessarily the more expensive the better.