Hunyuan County Quanyou Stone Processing Factory

Company Name: Hunyuan County Quanyou Stone Processing Factory
Contact: Mr. Wang
Tel: 13754914913

Company fixed line: 0352-8425006
Company fax: 0352-8425088
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Company address: Industrial Park, Hunyuan County, Datong City, Shanxi Province


Shanxi black tombstone style summary and tombstone styles

Shanxi black tombstone style summary:

Shanxi black has been turned into king black by others. Its characteristics are in line with its name, and it has a solemn color like a king. Even if the tombstone style is simple, it gives people an airy feeling, and the gray black is clean and pure. , Bright and non-glossy surfaces will produce a significant black and white contrast, apply processing skills to write, so that the overall shape design of the tombstone is more organized. Shanxi black marble is used in various styles of tombstones, traditional tombstones Too many, let alone plastic art tombstones.

Shanxi black is widely used in traditional style tombstones. There are two key aspects. First, the total number of traditional style tombstones purchased is relatively large. This is because Chinese style elements are becoming more and more fashionable nowadays, focusing on traditional Chinese culture. Besides, traditional style tombstones give People have a solemn and sacred feeling, and matching the high-end Shanxi black with all black means giving charcoal in the snow. The traditional style of Shanxi black tombstones generally incorporates elements such as plum orchid, chrysanthemum, bamboo, eaves, Chinese table columns, stone lions, pine cranes, guardrails and drum stones. , Some of them mean good luck and good luck, some of them are more bold, and some of them indicate the true identity of the tomb owner.

Shanxi black traditional tombstone style:

Shanxi black plastic art tombstones are the mainstream products in recent years, which has a lot to do with the funeral reform advocated by the state and the pursuit of perfect humanization. , There are various styles, all of which are customized according to the requirements of the deceased. It can be said to be the personal business card of the deceased, or it means that the tombstones of plastic art are actually made of traditional styles, but the area and specifications It is not as relative as traditional tombstones, and will be integrated into the hobbies of the deceased or personalized reflections. The marbles applied to plastic art tombstones are also colorful and varied, including Indian red, Luoyuan red, Yongding red, and Chinese red. Colorful red marble, solemn Shanxi black, sesame black, black Jinsha marble, also pure and simple pearl white, Quanzhou white, white hemp marble, white marble marble, and of course the colorful green of friendship, forest green marble , Among them, the style of Shanxi black plastic art tombstones will be more loved by Chinese people, and after all, everyone maintains a mentality of attaching importance to the deceased.