Hunyuan County Quanyou Stone Processing Factory

Company Name: Hunyuan County Quanyou Stone Processing Factory
Contact: Mr. Wang
Tel: 13754914913

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Company address: Industrial Park, Hunyuan County, Datong City, Shanxi Province

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How to refurbish Shanxi black granite tombstones

At present, the main material for making tombstones on the market is black granite. Due to its long-term exposure to the outdoors, it is particularly important for the maintenance and cleaning of granite tombstones. Here are some simple precautions for cleaning granite.

Stone conservation is mainly divided into two types: cleaning and protection. The main principle of protection is that the effective substances in the protective agent penetrate into the interior of the stone with the solvent. After the solvent naturally volatilizes, the effective substances and the stone crystals combine to form an effective protective barrier under the stone surface. Prevent the infiltration of external and internal pollution, so as to protect the stone and prolong the life of the stone. Because the protected stone, its water absorption rate is greatly reduced, it can be said that it absorbs almost no water; as long as the water does not penetrate into the stone, there will be no pollution. Produced. The protected stone has the following characteristics: waterproof, anti-fouling, anti-ultraviolet (delays the fading time of the stone), anti-freeze, anti-dissolution, maintains the permeability of the stone, and can reduce the difficulty of daily maintenance.

From the natural weathering damage of ancient stone cultural relics to the various natural damages and lesions of building stones today, the losses are huge. Learn how to take effective precautions to avoid and control these damages and lesions to the greatest extent possible. , becomes more and more important.

How to refurbish Shanxi black granite tombstones

After we use the imperial concubine red stone for a long time, it will inevitably lose its color, so how do we refurbish it, let's take a look at it at the same time.

1. Repair damage and glue in the middle seam: first repair the damaged surface of the stone, and fill the damaged part of the granite tombstone with marble glue close to the color of the stone. Then use a special stone seam machine to re-install the middle seam of the original stone. Neatly cut the slits to make the width of the slits about the same, and then fill the damaged areas with marble glue close to the color of the stone.

2. Grinding of the notch: Use the granite tombstone refurbishment machine and the special notch grinding sheet to carefully polish the notch to make it a flat whole with the stone.

3. Grinding and polishing: Use a special granite tombstone polishing machine, let the stone water grinder grind the stone from coarse to fine, so that the surface of the stone returns to the previous bright and smooth.

4. Crystallization treatment: The granite tombstone stone crystal powder and crystallizing agent are used for polishing with the stone refurbishment machine. Under the heavy pressure of grinding, the stone and crystal powder undergo a comprehensive physical and chemical reaction under the action of high temperature, forming a dense and hard crystal protection layer. Layer. After crystallization, it can enhance the color and brightness, and can also achieve anti-slip, waterproof, oil-proof and other effects.